Entering Farmer: #20304

My wife and I are first generation farmers, currently raising 2 little boys on our small farm in Northern Maryland near Delta, PA. The majority of the farm is used for breeding show stock, primarily Scottish Highlands as well as some other breeds. We also raise and breed swine and poultry for meat and sale.

I currently own a business (tattoo company) that I have had success in. I was featured on several National television shows, and competitions for my work on Paramount Network which has helped me gain a following and a good sense of marketing. I currently use this to promote and grow our client base for our animals as well.

Our goal is to grow the farm exponentially and produce beef cattle, show cattle, pork, chicken, duck, as well as grain and hay (depending on amount of land).

Interested In This Listing?

If you are interested in this listing, please submit a resume and/or business plan along with a cover letter that includes your contact information to PA Farm Link.

PA Farm Link will review the information and forward it to the Entering Farmer for review. If they think it would be a good fit, they will reach out to you directly. 

Please include the listing numbers of all Entering Farmers you are interested in contacting along with your documents in just one email to PA Farm Link. 

Entering Farmer #20304 - At A Glance

Desired Acreage:
Arrangement Type:
If Strategy Is Other, Please Describe: Social media advertising and auctions
Types: ,

Additional Information:

Formulated Business Plan: Yes
Marketing Plan: Yes
Will use land for crop production: Yes
Years of Experience: 4
Currently Has Herd: Yes
Herd Description:

20 head of registered Scottish Highlands, two shorthorn cows, and a Texas long horn steer who’s just a pasture ornament.

Please Note:

PA Farm Link maintains a privacy policy with our data base members and cannot provide their contact information to interested parties. If you have a farming opportunity that may fit what this Entering Farmer is looking for, please send information on your farming situation and contact details to farmland@pafarmlink.org. Your information will be sent to the Entering Farmer for review and if interested, they will contact you directly to discuss the opportunity.