Landowner: ###

Farm Description: 75 acre pasture system with a 20 head cow/calf operation. I currently direct market approximately 20 head of 100% grass fed beef each year to local customers in quarters/halves as well as through a grab-and-go store method. I partner with other local farmers to provide chicken, turkey, pork and lamb to my customers.

I have 8 acres in silvopasture, 60 acres in permanent pasture, 5 acres in streamside riparian buffers and would like to continue to expand the agroforestry aspects of the farm. I am the sole proprietor and primary laborer in this aspect of the farm.

Partnership/Leasing Opportunities: I feel that the farm is currently under-utilized and am interested in finding partner farmers who would be interested in running their own businesses on the farm through a leasing program. I am not interested in hiring people or trying to diversify on my own but am excited to have other people have ideas for ways to build relationship with the land.

I already have a market base established, so discussions of market-sharing is something I am very interested in. I would love to stop duplicating everyone’s work and start working together to build a more sustainable framework for farming over time. I am open to discussions with farmers that need access to land and are interested in raising meat chickens, pigs, lambs, flower farming, agroforestry and honey which all seem like good fits for my farm. However, I am open to listening to ideas outside of these areas.

Interested In This Listing?

If you are interested in this listing, please submit a resume and/or business plan along with a cover letter that includes your contact information to PA Farm Link.

PA Farm Link will review the information and forward it to the Landowner for review. If they think it would be a good fit, they will reach out to you directly. 

Please include the listing numbers of all landowners you are interested in contacting along with your documents in just one email to PA Farm Link. 

Landowner #30166 - At A Glance

Farm Types: ,
If Farm Type Is Other, Please Describe:

Additional Information:

Description of Soil Types:
The farm's soils are in the silt loam textural class. They generally range in the 14% - Sand, 62% - Silt, and 22% Clay. The soil pH is approximately 6.1. The soil is very fertile. I have been working on building soil health over time.
Description of Deed Restrictions:
Farm is preserved through the PA farmland Preservation program. We also have a pipeline running through a part of our farm which restricts usage in that area.
Conservation Plan: Yes
Barns/Structures On Farm: Yes
Description of Barns/Structures On Farm:

Open to discussion based on needs.

Electrical Access: Yes
Description of Electrical Access
There is electrical access around the buildings, but not available in the pasture system.
Equipment Available for Lease / Purchase: Yes
Description of Equipment Available:

Open to discussion based on needs.

Fencing On Farm: Yes
Description of Fencing:
High tensile 6 strand perimeter fencing surrounds all the pastures. There are 21 paddocks with a single strand line separating them and a central alley running through the farm with two high tensile strands.
Water Available: Yes
Description of Water Access:
The farm has its own well. We also have a buried livestock water line with hook ups in each of the pastures.

Please Note:

PA Farm Link maintains a privacy policy with our data base members and cannot provide their contact information to interested parties. If you are an Entering Farmer may fit what this Landowner is looking for, please send information on your farming experience and contact details to Your information will be sent to the Landowner for review and if interested, they will contact you directly to discuss the opportunity.