Landowner: #30163

108 acre farm. 30+ acres currently available for management intensive grazing. This land has been in CRP for 40 years. Our goal as owners is to have the land grazed so that the soil becomes magnificently productive and healthy and supports magnificent and healthy livestock!

There is currently no infrastructure-no fencing, no water- so it’s a “blank slate”. There is a large bank barn which will be rehabbed in the next 1-2 years. There is a 1-2 acre pond, and a small stream.

In the future there is a possibility for an additional 30 some acres to be added (we currently lease to a farmer who harvests hay.)

The farm has been in the family for 100+ years. It was formerly used as a dairy and crop farm until the late 1950s, then grazed a few cattle and harvested hay for several decades, then rented to a farmer for commodity crops for several decades. The farm is currently partially idle and partially hay cropped. We do not want chemical sprays or commercial fertilizers used.

Interested In This Listing?

If you are interested in this listing, please submit a resume and/or business plan along with a cover letter that includes your contact information to PA Farm Link.

PA Farm Link will review the information and forward it to the Landowner for review. If they think it would be a good fit, they will reach out to you directly. 

Please include the listing numbers of all landowners you are interested in contacting along with your documents in just one email to PA Farm Link. 

Landowner #30163 - At A Glance

Farm Types:

Additional Information:

Total Acres: 30+ acres available
Description of Soil Types:
From a 2007 NRCS soils map of the CRP area:The majority of the soil is Ravenna Silt Loam- RaB2- labeled Prime farmland. The next largest area is Canfield Silt Loam-CdB3 and CdC2-labeled Prime farmland. The remainder (approx. 20%) is Frenchtown Silt Loam.
Description of Deed Restrictions:
Barns/Structures On Farm: Yes
Description of Barns/Structures On Farm:

Large 100+ year old bank barn

Electrical Access: Yes
Description of Electrical Access
Access to electricity from barn
Description of Fencing:
None at present. Plan to build perimeter with flexible paddocks.
Description of Manure Storage:
None- grazing cattle should do it themselves.
Water Available: Yes
Description of Water Access:
Spring and stream (spring does not dry up). Pond developed as Wetland Preservation project.

Please Note:

PA Farm Link maintains a privacy policy with our data base members and cannot provide their contact information to interested parties. If you are an Entering Farmer may fit what this Landowner is looking for, please send information on your farming experience and contact details to Your information will be sent to the Landowner for review and if interested, they will contact you directly to discuss the opportunity.