Entering Farmer 20252
“Find something you love to do, and you will never work a day in your life.” My family and I are dairy and crop farmers from Lancaster County, Pa and are looking for ways to expand our operation by farming more acres in the Lancaster/york area to support our growing family. We are currently the fourth generation on our farm to milk cows and farm the land that the lord has blessed us with. We complete a nutrient management plan for any acres we farm and also practice many environmentally friendly practices including no-till, cover cropping, and manure incorporation. Our farming techniques allow us to increase soil health and fertility while significantly reducing nutrient runoff. If you are looking to rent or sell your land, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Entering Farmer 20248
I am a father of three with a full time job in Information Technology. I am looking to purchase approximately 10-20 acres of farmland in order to start a Christmas tree farm. Ideally I would be working part time on the farm with my wife and children until I retire from my regular job and then hopefully move over to tree farming full time . I hope to eventually work toward a cut-your-own tree farm, but may try to sell trees by purchasing them wholesale while my trees to grow. I have experience planting many Fraser fir trees on my 2+ acre property as well as with irrigation, herbicide and pesticide. Development rights to the land is a plus but not a necessity. Mainly looking for an area in Berks, Upper Montgomery or Southern Lehigh counties.
Entering Farmer 20234
My wife and I have a goat dairy and are currently Licensed to sell cheese and milk. I grew up around dairy cows and have a lot of experience with them also. I am open to expanding into bring cows into the dairy operation.
Entering Farmer 20218
I am longtime urban agriculture farmer with some limited experience in rural agriculture but I have a farm advisor that consultants with me on All rural agriculture needs and I would have an experience farm manager working with me.
I am looking for some farmland that is nutriant rich and fertile within the radius of about 20 – 40 miles of Mercer County NJ and Bucks County PA
I desire to grow produce and specialty products to sale on the open market and well as provide training and workshop’s for new and beginning farmers.
Entering Farmer 20208
Hi my name is Jon stauffer aka (farmer jon). My wife Lydia stauffer and one year old daughter Sadie currently farm together in a small way. We are seeking an opportunity to start farming full time. We are passionate about everything crop/hay farming related. We have access to all the equipment need with help from both sides of our families. Anywhere in Adams dauphin Lancaster or york would be ideal as we would be using some of our families equipment while adding to our own equipment already. Thanks for the interest and your time.
Entering Farmer 20204
Looking for a small amount of land to raise a couple cattle, sheep and crop.
Entering Farmer 20189
I’m looking for pasture, and cropland for rent near Lebanon / Palmyra area.
Entering Farmer 20187
My wife and I feel led by God to begin a life in farming. I have about 5 years of experience in produce farming and another 4 years in the greenhouse. My wife is a nurse and plans to begin a faith-based non-profit on the farm for young, impoverished mothers. I am currently a sales manager, but I am supposed to be a berry farmer. What we are looking for is about 20-30 acres suitable to grow strawberries, raspberries, pumpkins, etc for a pick-your-own style business. A historic home and a small wood lot would be ideal…we are history nuts! Just to be clear, we are not interested in leasing, we are interested in a farm of our own with an old home. We do not have a large budget. My wife and I are open to Berks, Lancaster, Chester, Lebanon, York, and Adams counties. We know the Lord has this for us, so if you feel led to help a younger married couple achieve their purpose, we hope to hear from you:)
Entering Farmer 20184
Looking to carry on the dairy farming in our family; Iam 4th generation.With the goal to be the first to own a farm(We have only ever rented farms). I want to own a farm to carry on to my own generations or to someone that wants to continue the legacy of farming. Iam very passionate about Ag and farming. I just need that helping hand up in finding a farm. (I would of course find ways to” pay it forward “). This farmgirl isn’t afraid to work hard and get her hands dirty. I have been raised on a dairy farm my whole life. Currently milking 125 dairy cows with my dad.
Entering Farmer 20182
First generation farmer, currently farming around 350 acres of row crops, along with 130 acres of hay. All ground is leased acreage. Looking for opportunity to grow with someone who is looking to transition their farm over time so we can grow into it slowly. Had a herd of registered black angus brood cows but had to sell when farm they were at got sold. Lots of experience is lots of different parts of a farming operation. Everything from cattle herd management, AI, cropping, machinery maintenance and book keeping.