Entering Farmer #20301

My name is Brock, I’m 33 and I’ve been farming for the better part of 13 years now. I started out on a raw goat dairy in northern FL, did a formal internship at Soil Born Farms in CA where I later became an assistant manager. We raised sheep, cattle, chickens, orchards, and vegetables. I then became the farm manager at a 50 acre diversified vegetable/sheep farm in southern Oregon. After that I spent the next 3 years starting my own farm business in southern OR raising 3 acres of vegetables, mixed livestock (Chickens, pigs, sheep, ducks) attending 3 farmers markets each week, managing a 30+/- member free-share CSA, and selling to about 10 restaurants. I relocated back east 2 years ago due to unmanaged wildfires that were getting worse each year, as well as drought and water issues. I worked for a year as a farm manger mostly doing tractor work in upstate NY on a 25 acre vegetable farm, and I currently manage the hay, equipment, livestock and orchards at a farm in VT.

My wife is Joelle who has been working at a geoengineering company working in sales and event organizing. She just finished her Masters in Business and in her free time is a certified yoga teacher, avid knitter and flower grower and organizer.

Together we both bring the necessary skills and experiences to operate a profitable farm business.

Entering Farmer #20299

Hello, I am happy to introduce myself, Cliff Mailloux and my wife, Annie Mailloux. We would like to become first generation farmers. Both my wife and I have a strong appreciation for nature and preserving land for agricultural purposes.

My wife and I are the perfect match for becoming first time farmers. I currently run a family business with my brother and father, and am excited to expand this entrepreneurship into the agriculture space. Through my company I have access to trucks, trailers, warehousing, and labor. In running my family business, I gained valuable business experience that sets me apart from many individuals looking to get into farming but may not have the business experience or infrastructure. I also have access to capital and am familiar with applying for state and federal loans and finding unconventional funding sources.

My wife is a licensed professional geologist in Pennsylvania and a practicing environmental geologist with extensive experience in soil and hydrology. She is also in the process of completing her PhD in the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department at Rutgers University. Her PhD is focused on plant ecology and how plants are impacted by hydrology and soil characteristics. She provides a great technical background that will support our operations and facilitate innovative and sustainable agricultural growth.

At home, we love tending our land, and have already fostered this love in our 2 year old son Tommy, who joins us in our work (he especially likes harvesting strawberries and riding the tractor). When we think about the future of land use in Pennsylvania, we think of Tommy and how he and the other children of the next generation deserve good, healthy and accessible land to work and healthy food to eat. We are passionate about promoting this vision of the future and look forward to speaking with like-minded members of our community.

Entering Farmer #20295

I am interested in purchasing 50-100 acres for my own corn crop operation. I retired from the insurance industry in Florida in May 2021. Prior that annd for the last 40 years our family owned/operated 2 different farms in our area.
The first was a 40 acre manicured pastures and we ran about 10-15 head Charlois cattle.

The second location consisted of 160 acres with a 50/50 split of manicured pasture and hard woods. We ran about 25 head of mixed Herefords, Charlois and a Brangus bull that we rotated between the 2 properties.

Entering Farmer #20288

Serwell farms is a 5 generation family owned and operated farm in bucks county pa. Practicing eco conscious farming.

Entering Farmer #20289

I’m a young farmer but I states out with Holsteins feeder calves in high school and have grown into a small cow-calf and cattle feeding operation in addition to a 100 acre hay farm.

Entering Farmer #20287

My wife and I raise a multi breed flock of chickens on our personal property, for roughly 2 years now

Entering Farmer #20285

We are a Christian married couple looking for a lease purchase option on a farm with acreage and a house. Barn and fencing would be a plus. We had a lease option on a farm in Douglassville pa. The owner decided to sell and were not approved for a mortgage. We have currently been working on our credit and are hoping to purchase in 1-3 years. We currently have 25 dairy goats and 36 chicks. We make goat milk soap from our dairy goats and want to start selling goat milk cheese & goat milk yogurt. We farmed for 5 years and were seeling out of our farm fresh eggs. We grew and made fresh cut flowers & bouquets. During Covid-19 we offered delivery service. We grew microgreens and would like to grow fresh produce. We grew and sold blueberries as well. Our farm is called Dirt Blessings Farms. My husband is a contractor so he is very handy and I clean houses and work temping as a dental assistant. We would love the opportunity to lease a farm and buy in 1-3 years. Thank you for taking the time to read our summarized story. God bless!

Entering Farmer #20281

5th generation young farmer looking to expand our herd of Angus cattle and Holstein steers. I’m looking for more ground to lease/ rent to feed our cattle throughout the year.

Entering Farmer #20277

We are looking for a dairy farm to lease in Pennsylvania. We are also looking for grazing land to lease in northern Lancaster or Southern Lebanon counties

Entering Farmer #20274

Worked my whole life in the agricultural industry.
Store Manager for John Deere & CaseIH dealerships
Loan Officer/Appraiser for Farm Credit
Manager of KULT-KRESS LLC currently
Looking to get back in farming.
Grew up on Cattle Feedlot and Cash Grain Farm (2,500 acres)