Entering Farmer #20414

Seeking Partnership to Preserve and Grow Sugars Bridge Farm and Camp Barnyard

Dear PA Farm Link Team,

My name is Sharlene Bund, and I am 50% owner of Sugars Bridge Farm, a 15-acre property located in Chester County, PA. Our farm is home to a small herd of alpacas, and it also serves as the site for Camp Barnyard, a farm camp for children ages 6 to 12.

My passion for farming began in my youth, growing up on various farms (horse, cattle, and sod) in Alberta, Canada. After high school, I traveled through the South Pacific, working on diverse farms and deepening my appreciation for agriculture. I pursued a degree in Marine/Freshwater Biology, with the aim of owning an aquaculture farm, and gained valuable experience working on an Arctic Char farm in the Yukon. My career then took me into research, where I contributed to various saltwater and freshwater studies as a professional technician. Additionally, I spent four years on Canadian draggers off the West Coast and a season on a Polish factory ship in Canadian waters, processing Hake (West Coast) and Whiting (East Coast).

My lifelong interest in the Farm-to-Table movement has evolved into a passion for the Farm-to-Fashion industry, as I learn about the alpaca and llama industries, transforming raw fiber into finished products. The response to our Alpaca Tours has been overwhelmingly positive, revealing a shared fascination with farm life. This inspired me to launch Camp Barnyard, where children delight in participating in farm chores and experiencing the joys of rural life.

Over the past five years, I have poured my heart and soul into this farm and camp, and I am deeply committed to preserving this 15-acre historic farm. I have already built strong connections with West Bradford Township and Chester County advocates for farm and open land preservation.

Unfortunately, my current farm partner, who is involved solely in the real estate aspect of the farm, is seeking to buy me out, possibly with a potential plans to subdivide the property. I would like to position myself to buy him out, ensuring that this historic 1790 Chester County farm remains intact and Camp Barnyard the Alpaca Tours keep evolving. I see how we could be a part of Penn State, New Bolten Center – Penn Vet, West Chester University and so much more. We could have open/home schoolers be a part of Sugars Bridge Farm; a growing educational platform.

I am actively seeking a new partnership with someone who shares my vision for the future of both small and large farms. I believe in the potential for growth and goodness that has already begun here at Sugars Bridge Farm. If you or someone you know is interested in preserving and expanding this unique venture, I would love to discuss the possibilities.

Please feel free to explore our website, social media channels, and YouTube videos by searching “Sugars Bridge Farm.” This farm is not just a place; it’s an opportunity to educate and inspire the next generation about the importance of preserving farmland and supporting farmers who take on the risks to keep our agricultural heritage alive.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a meaningful impact.

Warm regards,

Sharlene McKinley Bund

Website: SugarsBridgeFarm.com

Email: Sugarsbridgefarm@gmail.com

Phone: 610-203-4141

Entering Farmer #20405

I’m looking for a space where I can live and grow without the overwhelmingly concern of losing the land; I’m looking for a space to recreate my own farm; I’m looking for a space to call home.

My intentions in farming are deeply focused in health and community, both the biodiversity of our wild scapes and the neighbors who rely on fresh produce and connectivity. I’ve been growing produce, culinary and medicinal herbs, and flowers since 2010, plus a few seasons raising poultry and small ruminants. My knowledge has been learned from experience, classes, mentors, and relentless curiosity. I’ve spent a decade managing field production, farm startups, labor, marketing, and sales. In 2017, I started my own farm comprised of CSA, wholesale, and market sales. Due to restricted land access, my own farm took pause, and I refocused my efforts to manage other local farms for the past few seasons.

Entering Farmer #20394

Folklore Farm will be a regenerative farm specializing in quality pasture raised livestock, with a focus on providing high quality meat. To customers through direct sales, farmers markets, and restaurants. While also donating 10% of market head for each species to local food banks. The farm will use intensive regenerative pasture management, which will allow for low infrastructure and labor costs compared to traditional farming. Enabling the farmer to operate the business part-time alongside their spouses full-time employment.
To ensure maximum efficiency at minimum cost, Folklore Farm will lease land instead of purchasing outright. Since regenerative farming has the ability to restore soil health over time. Folklore Farm will be increasing the quality of the land. This will create a great tenant relationship with the land owner.
To achieve our goal of providing high quality livestock, we have chosen to focus on superior genetics and optimal grazing practices. We are confident that this approach will yield excellent results and provide value to our customers. With emphasis on genetics this will allow for additional revenue streams from seed stock sale opportunities.
To address growing consumer demands for nutritious food that is ethically sourced in Chester County Pa. Folklore Farm offers diverse products including poultry, pork, lamb, and potentially beef through various sales channels.

while I have no farming for profit experience I have personally owned some species of livestock and helped a dairy farmer in my youth.

Entering Farmer #20391

!st generation farmer looking for land to start out on. Nothing too big, looking to build skills before ramping up to full scale operations. Food production and poultry only.

Entering Farmer #20379

I’m an urban gardener growing herbs and mushrooms in Philadelphia. My farm will be a place to grow specialty crops for cafes in Philly. Those crops will be herbs for tea, culinary and medicinal mushrooms, and micro greens. My farm will also be an agricultural training center promoting self-sustainability for Philadelphia and New York City residents.

We will promote our training retreats at the cafes where we sell our specialty crops. We will train people in urban gardening techniques such as container gardening, rooftop gardening, how to get the most nutritional benefit from a grow tent, growing mushrooms, turning your yard into a food forest, and building greenhouses.

I am looking for land within a 3-hour radius of Philadelphia. I would like to start with 5-10 acres and grow from there. I am also looking for partners and mentors for this project!

Entering Farmer #20371

My husband and I are graduates of the PSU College of Agricultural Sciences and grew up actively involved in 4H and FFA. We do not come from farming families, but have found a deep love for it.

Chris previously worked as a Herdsman for 300+ cow/calf beef operation and a Relief Technician for Genex. He is now the Career and is now the Specialized Career and Technical Education Advisor – Agriculture for the PA Department of Agriculture.

I work in the Hershey Area as a Cancer Researcher using animal models.

We previously rented 150 acres, making hay, wheat straw, and corn; as well as maintaining a flock of roughly 100 commercial Katahdin ewes. We recently refocused our operation to buy more land (instead of renting) and improve our genetics. We have a strong customer base both for show lambs and hair lambs, and are desperately looking for land to buy in order to expand our operation.

Our current property is only 10 acres, on which we manage 10 head of commercial Katahdins brood ewes, 10 head of wether type crossbred show ewes, and 3 head of beef cattle. We grow our own hay and rotationally graze our stock roughly 8 months out of the year (but would love to do more!). While we do vaccinate our animals, we believe prevention is the best medicine, and therefore strive for the best management practices as well as select for the right stock in order to avoid the need for antibiotics and anthelmintics, unless absolutely necessary.

We are passionate about maximizing our rotational grazing and improving the soil, as well as supporting and educating local youth. We love the constant challenge to improve our genetics and systems to best meet the needs of our clients while remaining highly profitable.

Entering Farmer #20370

I am a 1st generation farmer from the Lehigh Valley. I currently manage a farm in Bucks County where we have over 10 acres in production. I have experience with organic practice farming, vegetable row crop production, greenhouse production, extended season/high tunnel production, cut flower production, perennial production, wine grape production, orchard fruit, and beekeeping. I have experience managing a 100 member CSA, farm store, wholesale program, and a farmers market. I have experience with farm machinery, irrigation systems and IPM. Id like to add benefit to the local community where I’d be farming in by providing access to fresh, healthy produce/fruit/products/flowers/honey. I am seeking a farm to continue my passion for farming. Id like to raise a family run a farm to continue to pursue my career in agriculture and support my family. An ideal situation would be a farmer looking to transition their property to the next generation (me), bonus if tractor and /or other equipment, etc was also available with the purchase. I am looking for a piece of land, ideally at least 5 acres, with a home available, with options to either sign a long term lease, to lease to own, or purchase.

Entering Farmer #20356

Hello there. Our names are Sasha and Tony Bellucci. We are respectively 35 and 37 years old and have resided in Colorado for the past 11 years. Tony grew up in Pennsylvania and lived there for 25 years before moving west. Sasha was born in Ukraine and came to Pennsylvania by way of California when she was 13. As we’ve built our lives and skills out west, we are looking to return to our home state to be closer to family and live out our long term visions of sustainability, permaculture, organic agriculture, and community enrichment. We’d love to tell you a little about ourselves and our intentions.

Tony has spent many years working around plants and trees. His introduction to farming began at Greenmoore Gardens in State College, Pa. At the farm, Tony, along with farm manager Laura, ran a 50 person CSA. This included the management of 2 large tunnels of vegetables, a 20×12 propagation greenhouse, drip irrigation water systems, and a flock of 40 chickens. In 2020, he was studying Horticulture at CSU and was selected to intern at the Colorado State Extension office in Grand Junction, Co. where he curated an garden growing indigenous Ute ethnobotanical plants, herbs, and trees. Tony holds a BA in Communication and designed marketing materials, brochures, and signs for use in the garden and community. Currently, he has been working as an arborist and will soon be ISA certified. Daily tasks include management of fruit trees, climbing and pruning, felling/removing dead trees, and management of landscape plants. In his free time, he loves to play all types of music though his primary instrument is guitar. He plays in a successful band called Tumbledown Shack based in Fort Collins, Co. which plays 4-8 shows a month. He is a passionate soccer fan and enjoys being outside through his work or various recreation activities such as disc golf and biking.

Sasha is a successful mental health therapist with a Master’s in Transpersonal Counseling. For the last 9 years she has worked with clients with varying degrees of PTSD and complex trauma. In 2022 she completed Equinox Center’s 10 month herbalism intensive and integrates herbalism into her work with patients. She is fluent in Russian and spends much of her free time creating various pieces of art including traditional Ukrainian folk art. She is an accomplished artist and sells art, herbal remedies, and her leatherwork at local artisan markets. She enjoys spending free time outside riding her bicycle and playing disc golf with Tony.

Together, we share experience and a vision for a sustainable future. In 2012, we went to Chile to volunteer on a small 2 acre permaculture in the foothills of the Andes. While there, we were given our first glimpse into permaculture practices and self-sustainability. We tended gardens, cooked using fresh ingredients, and cared for the land, trees, and property. From that experience on, we have managed our own gardens both in Pennsylvania and Colorado. In 2017, we volunteered at a 33 acre permaculture in southern Costa Rica. We were given a month of training then managed the property for the owners while they were away. Daily tasks included pruning of plants, harvesting of food, processing food, caring for various animals including ducks, sheep, horses, and cows, greenhouse and compost management, and community outreach. We received our PDC (Permaculture Design Certificate) in December of 2017 and began to construct our own vision for this lifestyle. In 2018, we returned to Costa Rica where we helped care for a small 1 acre property while the owner was out of the country.

Through various experiences and education, we have slowly formulated our own vision for an agricultural and permaculture based lifestyle. We have always dreamed of tending the land, growing food, educating and impacting community, and hosting enrichment events. Our life in Colorado is rich however, we wish to return to Pennsylvania where we would be better able to enact this vision. We would love to sell food through farmers market or CSA, cultivate herbs and herbalism products for the community, and design community events where people can experience professionally prepared meals with locally grown food.