Entering Farmer #20403
Fernando Rodriguez
8500 Pine Road
[Philadelphia, PA, 19111
Dedicated and experienced Resident Farmer with a proven track record of managing the historic Fox Chase Farm, a demonstration and educational 112-acre farm within the School District of Philadelphia. Seeking an opportunity to continue sharing my passion for sustainable agriculture and education.
Professional Summary:
Resident Farmer at Fox Chase Farm, a renowned educational farm within the School District of Philadelphia, where I have overseen farm operations, educational programs, and community engagement for the past 4 years. Committed to promoting sustainable farming practices and fostering a love for agriculture in students and visitors alike.
Resident Farmer
Fox Chase Farm, Philadelphia, PA
2021 – Present
– Managed all aspects of the 112-acre demonstration and educational farm.
– Oversaw crop production, livestock care, and farm maintenance operations.
– Developed and implemented educational programs for students and community members.
– Collaborated with educators to integrate farm activities into school curricula.
– Conducted tours, workshops, and events to raise awareness about sustainable farming practices.
– Assisted in planting, harvesting, and caring for crops.
– Managed livestock, including feeding, health monitoring, and breeding programs.
– Maintained farm equipment and facilities in good working condition.
– Participated in community outreach activities to promote local agriculture.
– Sustainable agriculture practices
– Crop management and rotation
– Livestock husbandry
– Farm equipment operation and maintenance
– Educational program development
– Community engagement and outreach
– Strong communication and leadership skills
Certifications: Penn State Extension
– Beef Production and Management
– Beef Quality Assurance
– Grazing 101: Sustainable Pasture Management for Livestock
– Rasing Small Flock Poultry
– Dairy Skills: Transition Management
– Dairy Skills: Feeding Management
– Dairy Skills: Milking Management
– Dairy Skills: Reproductive Management
– Dairy Skills: Calf and Heifer Health
– Pork Checkoff: Transport Quality Assurance
Available upon request.
Entering Farmer #20353
My husband and I are military veterans who have been homesteading since 2018 when we purchased our current 2 acre property. In that time, we have honed our skills with growing fruits, vegetables, berries, and flowers. We also raise meat chickens, laying hens, started beekeeping, making tallow soap, teas, and pressed flower art.
While we love our home, we’re beginning to outgrow our current property and want to continue to build upon this lifestyle for ourselves and our young son. We have dreams of expanding into raising cattle and other livestock, having enough space to expand our beekeeping operation, grow produce, flowers, and create products to sell at a farm stand/markets.
We are very passionate about regenerative practices and have the drive and willingness to learn as much as we can. We’re just looking for the perfect opportunity and space to grow.
Entering Farmer #20338
We are a young family of 5. We’ve been living in the city since we’ve been married for almost 9 years but have always hoped to move to the he country and run a farmstead. The first 8 years we served in ministry in downtown Butler. Three years ago we bought a house with an empty lot next door and began growing and selling cut flowers, growing our own produce, and added three ducks to our homestead. Last year we decided to step away from full time ministry and begin pursuing our dream of farm-steading. David currently works building and installing playgrounds and does woodworking on the side. Allyson homeschools our three young sons and cares for our home.
We are hoping to grow our family and farmstead on at least 40 acres. We would like to have pasture to raise more ducks, chickens, and goats. We would need space to grow our cut flower crops and produce. We would love to have a water source and areas of woods as well.
Aside from running our farmstead, we want to use our property to share God’s creation with others and host church families.
Entering Farmer #20329
I am a US army veteran, but I am a lot of other things as well. I am a former Peace Corps volunteer (agriculture in Mali), I am a proud father of two young children, and I am a former 4-H kid. I want to return to the rural life and give my kids the life I had growing up.
– I grew up in a rural area and worked on a (small) farm doing intensive vegetable farming
– I was trained and successfully ran animal husbandry operations in Africa (goats and rabbits)
– I am business and computer savvy and have been working in the corporate world for 10 years
– I am trained in skilled in basic animal medicine (vaccines, basic medical care, etc). While I would not perform surgery, I do feel comfortable with day-to-day care and standard practice
– My wife is no slouch either, she was a former water sanitation Peace Corps volunteer (how we met), and has been working in the business world doing marketing (online and real world) since 2010.
What I am looking for
– A small plot of land for regenerative agriculture (40-100 acres)
– I intend to primarily focus on small food crop production and dairy production- note, due to the large number of cattle dairy producers in the area, we will focus on goat milk, goat milk soap, and goat cheese products.
Entering Farmer #20277
We are looking for a dairy farm to lease in Pennsylvania. We are also looking for grazing land to lease in northern Lancaster or Southern Lebanon counties
Entering Farmer #20261
I am returning to my hometown of Ligonier, and starting to do what I’ve always wanted to do in my life, which is live here and work the soil of the valley. I know it well, extremely well. I have established business associations with current area farmers, to slowly establish my own parcel. I have formal business ties with stat therapeutic equine run by Cat Markosky. Informal business agreements with Kenco and Steve Rhodes, the roses farm. In addition, given my hometown connections, this is more like farming to me. The community coming together. This is what I am trying to do on my small currently 30 acre parcel with plans to expand quickly if possible.
Entering Farmer 20205
I currently have a small (3 acre) farm that we raise mixed vegetables on along with some pastured poultry . We are entirely self taught from books and just diving in but we are looking for an opportunity to find someone with a larger farm to train and then succession over the farming operation by selling. I have a management position at an equipment dealership and grew up helping on the farm but there is such a steep learning curve in farming that there are lots of places to make $10,000 mistakes.
I think the optimal situation would be an apprenticeship at first, transitioning to a partnership, and then a succession plan with a slow buy out of the farm.
Entering Farmer 20174
I am looking for a combination of flat cropland rolling pastures and wooded lots to run up our diversified pastured livestock operation. My mission is to heal land grow nourishing foods and inspire with amazing flavors.. Is my wife 3 children and I have been farming sustainably for 15 years and have developed a healthy direct and wholesale market in the Southwestern Pennsylvania region.