Entering Farmer #20380

I grew up on a small family dairy farm and have loved agriculture all my life. I’m 32 now, married with four children and am looking for an opportunity to lease a farm to do grassfed dairy.

Entering Farmer #20364

Looking to build and grow a regenerative farm. We are not experienced in this but are hoping to get started and learn more as we grow.

Entering Farmer #20321

My name is Alec Greeley. I got my start farming in New Hampshire in 2015 as a farmhand for a successful CSA in the town right where I grew up. In 2018 I moved to Jersey to live with my then girlfriend, now wife, and continued working for a diversified fruit and vegetable CSA in Pittstown. There, I gained even more experience on all levels of the enterprise, first as a field hand then the wash barn manager, and finally the assistant field manager. Currently, I’m finishing a horticulture degree at Delaware Valley University. I’ve also had a few seasons experience with raising chickens for meat and eggs and goats for meat here in Pennsylvania. Growing healthy and simple foods is my greatest passion in life. Since the first time working on a farm I’ve dreamed about living on and running my own operation. I’m hoping my time studying horticulture will enable me to make informed decisions about not only the plants I grow but also all species on the future farm. I firmly believe a worthwhile farm will aim to be a part of a healthy agroecosystem by replenishing nutrients and supporting both farm and non farm life. As far as business plans go I think it is very important to create something very site specific and so remaining flexible is critical. However, I’m interested in and have the most experience with organic vegetable and fruit production and pasture raised chicken and goats. Some structures I’m interested in include CSA’s, wholesale (I do have some local connections that could help with this), even education and agrotourism. There needs to be more farmers and gardeners in my opinion and I have a good amount of experience in college and on the various farms I’ve worked teaching the public and training workers on sustainable farming methods. This is an aspect I’d really try to work into whatever business model is ultimately pursued.

Entering Farmer #20301

My name is Brock, I’m 33 and I’ve been farming for the better part of 13 years now. I started out on a raw goat dairy in northern FL, did a formal internship at Soil Born Farms in CA where I later became an assistant manager. We raised sheep, cattle, chickens, orchards, and vegetables. I then became the farm manager at a 50 acre diversified vegetable/sheep farm in southern Oregon. After that I spent the next 3 years starting my own farm business in southern OR raising 3 acres of vegetables, mixed livestock (Chickens, pigs, sheep, ducks) attending 3 farmers markets each week, managing a 30+/- member free-share CSA, and selling to about 10 restaurants. I relocated back east 2 years ago due to unmanaged wildfires that were getting worse each year, as well as drought and water issues. I worked for a year as a farm manger mostly doing tractor work in upstate NY on a 25 acre vegetable farm, and I currently manage the hay, equipment, livestock and orchards at a farm in VT.

My wife is Joelle who has been working at a geoengineering company working in sales and event organizing. She just finished her Masters in Business and in her free time is a certified yoga teacher, avid knitter and flower grower and organizer.

Together we both bring the necessary skills and experiences to operate a profitable farm business.

Entering Farmer #20295

I am interested in purchasing 50-100 acres for my own corn crop operation. I retired from the insurance industry in Florida in May 2021. Prior that annd for the last 40 years our family owned/operated 2 different farms in our area.
The first was a 40 acre manicured pastures and we ran about 10-15 head Charlois cattle.

The second location consisted of 160 acres with a 50/50 split of manicured pasture and hard woods. We ran about 25 head of mixed Herefords, Charlois and a Brangus bull that we rotated between the 2 properties.

Entering Farmer #20289

I’m a young farmer but I states out with Holsteins feeder calves in high school and have grown into a small cow-calf and cattle feeding operation in addition to a 100 acre hay farm.

Entering Farmer #20270

Individual that have gone through college.
Started fishing at a young age catching fish from boats weighing them. Catching marine ocean fish was not that easy pulling with reels knowing the number lbs, oz calculation. Reading sonar equipment to see the depth while the boat is at float at sea. Also knowing the way to skin these sea creature with the correct tools. .Came from South Carolina and have been into insects, catching while animals, From the city there are: creeks, marshes beaches and wildlife. Creek: hermit crabs, crocodiles, alligators, fiddler crab, blue crab. More into capturing them than letting them go with fish tanks. Having a carriage ride there are four or two horses Galineers Cob the name. Always went to the universal Soul Circus being at front row seat looking at: Elephants , Lions, White (Albino)Tigers, Lions, Bengal Tires. Adventures seeing Flamingos, Doves, Kangaroos, Parakeets, Angola Monkeys, African Tigers,Bali Mynah , Binturong etc. Went to plenty of Aquariums to study facts about the deepest ocean: Hump back whales, Blue Whales, Shark Whale, Sharks, Penguins, Bears etc. Have done bull ride and horse back rides settles could be better. Keeping pets that were sold at stores also known as test sea creatures; or caged birds and rats fiddler crabs.
I have 8 years in growing plants their up-keep, and studied Biology/Physical science in High School. The way Bees make there honey, crop picking, fruit picking, vine yard picking purchasing.
Experience I’ve done plenty years in food service. Tag cattle to keep the tracking number 0yr. Keeping temperature for products such as: Beef, vegetables, Corn (yield), Onion, Sunflower, Grapes, Okra.
Process: Seeding Tillers, plowing, chemical spraying ,watering, harvesting plants for produce to make income. Knowledge in Welding Metal and Fabrication. I worked in factories, to see the way that food is made in the United States of America. Resolving problems as a Farmer and looking for a Farm. looking for 3 to 200 acres to manage.
Looking for farms to start to manage, livestock not an issue or planting. maintain and budget.

Entering Farmer #20266

I am a 32 year old mother and wife. I have been training horses since 2014. My niece recently took the first horse I ever trained to the PA 4-H State Horse Show! A few years ago I got into gentling mustangs. I am looking for a farm to lease that will allow me to expand my business to include board, lessons, clinics, training, and possibly breeding down the line. I have hopes of also growing a decent beefer herd, and getting into showing NRHA and NRCHA.

Entering Farmer #20264

Looking for a farmland with home to grow crops, raise animals and fish. I’m able to lease, but would prefer to have but option for later. We no racial bias and wouldn’t mind any geographic are in PA, as long as it’s a safe neighborhood

Entering Farmer #20263

I’m looking for a dairy farm to work in to ownership. I have 18 years experience working on dairy farms including being a herdsman on a 650 cow dairy and for the last 7 years have ran and managed a 50 cow dairy. I’m very good with cows, crops, and operating equipment. Due to the location of the farm I’m currently running and the distance to the surrounding farms we may not have a milk hauler in the future so I am hoping to get a farm of my own in a better area. I’m open to most any offers, just would like to start something while I’m still young enough to justify the input.