Business Plan Template

Getting a loan for your agricultural business — no matter the size or scope — means asking the lender to have faith in your ability to manage a full-fledged operation and your finances in a healthy way. The best way to prove that is by coming prepared with a farm business plan proposal.

Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

The Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences is helping produce growers, food processors, and feed manufacturers prepare for new regulatory standards required under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) of 2011.

Food for Profit: Business Planning

Before starting your new food business, you need a clear vision of how you want your business to operate, such as how it will be managed, marketed, and financed, and how you expect it to perform in the future.

Developing a Business Plan

An important task in starting a new venture is to develop a business plan, which is a “road map” to guide the future of a business or venture.

Business Exit Strategy

As you begin the business transition process, learn steps to take to make financial and personal decisions, including to sell or liquidate your business.