Entering Farmer: #20407

I grew up on a dairy farm and worked on neighboring dairy farms as well making hay in the summer. I moved to Kansas when I was 18 with the army and worked on my wife’s cattle farm. She had her own small herd. We also worked for her dad who had several more head of beef cattle.

We moved back to Pennsylvania and want to start our own beef herd.

Interested In This Listing?

If you are interested in this listing, please submit a resume and/or business plan along with a cover letter that includes your contact information to PA Farm Link.

PA Farm Link will review the information and forward it to the Entering Farmer for review. If they think it would be a good fit, they will reach out to you directly. 

Please include the listing numbers of all Entering Farmers you are interested in contacting along with your documents in just one email to PA Farm Link. 

Entering Farmer #20407 - At A Glance

Desired Acreage:
Arrangement Type:
Region: ,

Additional Information:

Veteran or Active Military: Yes
Formulated Business Plan: Yes
Marketing Plan: Yes
Years of Experience: 3-6

Please Note:

PA Farm Link maintains a privacy policy with our data base members and cannot provide their contact information to interested parties. If you have a farming opportunity that may fit what this Entering Farmer is looking for, please send information on your farming situation and contact details to farmland@pafarmlink.org. Your information will be sent to the Entering Farmer for review and if interested, they will contact you directly to discuss the opportunity.