Entering Farmer #20420
We are a family farm operation looking to expand our row crop acres. I have extensive experience with crop farming and we also raise broiler chickens on our home farm. I am looking to form good, long-term relationships with landowners so that we can care for their land for many years to come. We utilize No-till, cover crops, waterway management, and resource saving technology to keep our farming practices sustainable.
Entering Farmer #20419
Hello my name is Joe Venasco, I am a 22 year old first generation farmer from Volant Pa. I currently farm roughly 220 acres of corn and soybeans on my own with my own equipment around Lawrence and Mercer counties. Since I was roughly 4 years old I’ve always had a strong desire to be in the agricultural industry. Once I started into high school I got my first job on a local farm helping with field work, milking cows, and chores. I was very strongly involved in 4-H and FFA during this time as well. I started farming on my own 6 years ago raising hay as well as cattle and 4-H show goats. Over the past 3 years I have gotten out of livestock and hay for the opportunity to raise corn and soybeans. In addition I am currently employed at the local farm co-op where I work around agronomy and grain. I am looking to lease to own or a lease agreement farm where I can grow my operation. I am looking for a farm mostly around northern Lawrence County or Mercer County so I can continue to raise crops on the ground I currently lease. If the opportunity came, I would be open to moving my operation further north to Crawford County. Also if the opportunity came I would be open to raising livestock again.